Happiness and passion

If a doctor’s happiness and passion is treating children, and he happens to earn well from his practice, then why should it be any different for those in the HUMMS fields? Just because graduates of these courses do not work in conventional settings doesn’t mean they’re not enjoying well-paying jobs.

 not only did they earn well, they were also happy because they loved what they were doing. If you love what you do, you will find a way to sustain yourself.

There is so much more than learning about people in taking up Humanities and Social Sciences. 
The HUMMS strand revolves around improving a student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills because if you haven’t noticed yet, people who choose this strand are aspiring to become ,members of the society who will be dealing with a lot of people. ( e.g teacher, psychologist, lawyer, etc.) Honing, these skills are crucial for them to establish effective communication with people when they are working. For these reasons, half of the subjects involved in this strand focus on Language and Speech. While Mathematics and Science are still included in their daily schedules, they are not too difficult since they do not  belong to the specialization subjects of the said strand


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