
Showing posts from February, 2019

Your future careers AND for the curious-minded

                                                    Your future careers AND  for the curious-minded. Your future careers are very fulfilling. Careers like being a lawyer , teacher, and diplomant are very rewarding. You will be able to contribute to the world by bringing justice, molding the youth, or creating friendships between countries. Being in the HUMMS strand gives you the chance to make a mark in the world! .                                                                           It’s for the curious-minded. Some might see the HUMMS strand as boring ‘coz of its specialization subjects like Phillipine Politics and Governance, World Religio...


                                        MORE ABOUT HUMSS \ Get a superpower: read minds!  Well, not exactly read minds but with HUMMS, you will have the ability to understand how people think and why they think that way. One of the possible careers a HUMMS graduate can have is by being a psychologist. You can take up courses like. Psychology, Human Capital Development, and Humanities in college.                                List down “writing” as one of your hobbies. HUMMS students are expected to read and write a lot. With subjects like Creative Writing and Creative Nonfiction. you’ll learn how to write poetry, friction, and drama. For the writers at heart, there’s no more denying that passion.

welcome to my blogger

my name is jula draper as a HUMSS student .as a humss student i can share you about humss Welcome to my Blogs  What is really my life as a student? Inside this blogs, I will show you the fullest contents about what's happening inside the HUMSS World? What advices or tips you must need to know or what things you must need to know before you enter the door inside the HUMSS? 


                                                   HUMMS STUDENT    "Yes, I'm a HUMMS student" HUMMS students, are often called "HUMSS ka lang" they think that what we usually do are the basics, the easy ones and the lame ones. It's sad to think that people who say those things don't actually know what HUMSS students really do. We are not just a HUMMS strand studying boring topics regarding our country, human beliefs, historical facts and boring philosophical views but we are HUMSS students who study cool politics, awesome human beliefs and culture, superb history, creative poetry and random questions Philosophy make that makes the students wonder all the time. .
                                                  Happiness and passion If a doctor’s happiness and passion is treating children, and he happens to earn well from his practice, then why should it be any different for those in the HUMMS fields? Just because graduates of these courses do not work in conventional settings doesn’t mean they’re not enjoying well-paying jobs.  not only did they earn well, they were also happy because they loved what they were doing. If you love what you do, you will find a way to sustain yourself. There is so much more than learning about people in taking up Humanities and Social Sciences.  The HUMMS strand revolves around improving a student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills because if you haven’t noticed yet, people who choose this strand are aspiring to become ,members of the society who will be de...
                                            WHY   I choose HUMMS? I don't even know why did I choose HUMMS. Maybe it's because I'm still undecided of my college course, but my heart shouts for HUMMS. Humanities and Social Science, I'm studying this strand for the humanity. I want to explore, be open minded, and expand my knowledge and understanding in the fields of understanding our culture, politics, society, and our own selves.   I did choose HUMSS because I personally think that my likes, skills, and personality suit this strand the best. So if you're thinking about taking this strand, think about it carefully. You might be really stressed out, but everything's worth it. Future Psychologists, Educators, Police, Lawyers, Journalist, etc., the HUMSS Strand will prepare your path!
HUMSS strand is designed for those who wonder what is on the other side of the wall. In other words, you are ready to take on the world and talk to a lot of people. This is for those who are considering taking up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related courses in college.While it is true that the HUMMS means less math and less numbers, this does not mean that this strand is ‘easier’ than other strands. Part of the curriculum includes introduction to world religions, Philippine and world literature, political and community development specialization subjects, and more. About this Strand This strand covers a wide range of disciplines that delve into the investigation and inquiry of the human conditions that uses empirical, analytical, and critical methods of studying human behavior and societal changes. Students pursuing college degrees on this strand will have a deeper understanding of arts, culture, literatur...
what is humss ? humss means                   Humanities and Social Sciences The HUMSS strand is designed for those who wonder what is on the other side of the wall. In other words, you are ready to take on the world and talk to a lot of people. This is for those who are considering taking up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related courses in college. BEING A HUMSS STUDENT.   For me this is one of the way, maybe the key of my ambitions in my life. As of now being one of the student in this strand studying and doing my best to fill up my work and perform well for my teacher and grade. The study of literature,philosophy etc. include also the study of technologies and social science because they perform us to make a professional one and enhance our potential talent. This strand teach us of what will be us? in Future.